Your At-Home Spa is in Your Kitchen



We bet you won’t even need a shopping list for these at-home spa treatments because they require simple pantry staples. With some citrus, avocado, and coffee, you can get wonderful facial masks, manicure-worthy nailbeds, body scrubs, and scalp treatments.

Squeeze Some Citrus

Lemons take center stage in these spa treatments that you can whip up right at home.

An At-Home Manicure: Just squeeze some fresh lemon juice into a bowl big enough to fit your hands into. Get comfy and soak your nails in the lemon juice for about 10 minutes. Afterwards, remove your hands, dry them off with a towel, and rub some coconut oil on them for added brightness and shine. Plus, your nails will be less likely to become brittle and break!

Treat Your Scalp: Want to get rid of annoying and unsightly dandruff flakes? Use just a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice plus grapefruit juice and combine it with 4 tablespoons of coconut oil. You can use a toothbrush or other small brush to dip into the solution and apply to your scalp. You will have to work section by section in order to ensure that you cover your entire scalp. Once you have covered your it all, let it sit for 20 minutes before rinsing.

All Praise the Avocado

Thanks to its healthy fats and oils, avocado is a power player when it comes to hair treatments.

Avo-Facial: Mash up half an avocado with a tablespoon of coconut oil and use it as a face mask. You can also apply it to your neck as well (just make sure it’s spread in an even layer!) Let the avocado mask sit for 10 minutes before rinsing it with warm water. Ta-da! Skin as smooth as a baby’s butt.

Give Your Hair Some Love: Mash the whole avocado with a ripe banana and a tablespoon of honey (trust us.) Wash your hair as you normally would, but while your hair is damp, lather up with the avocado mixture. Wrap your hair in a towel, let it sit for 20 minutes, and then rinse it out. This is better than leave-in conditioner!

The Incredible Power of Coffee

homemade skin care

Besides waking us up in the morning, coffee can do great things to your skin!

Soothing Shower Scrub: Combine one cup of ground coffee, a cup of sugar, ½ coconut oil, and ½ teaspoon cinnamon. Keep it in an airtight container and scrub it on in the shower every day for an exfoliating and aromatic body wash.

Coffee Facial: This facial uses ½ cup ground coffee, ½ unsweetened cocoa powder, a cup of whole milk, and a tablespoon each of lime juice and honey. Just slather it on your face and let is sit for 20 minutes before rinsing for skin that looks (and smells) great!

1 Comment

  1. Kate says: Reply

    Nice recipes, thx. I should definitely try some of them!

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