Have you ever thought how convenient it would be to plan your meals for a week ahead, buy all the required groceries once a week at one go, and have no more concerns about your dinners for the next 7 days? Well, here you are! We have made a complete meal plan for a working […]
Meal Plan
Day 7 Saturday

Today we are going to use the rest of the products and cook a wonderful tuna stew for lunch and a delicious chicken pot pie for dinner. Remember to leave your feedback about our meal plan before going out on a Saturday night party!
Day 5 Thursday

We bet that you’ve tasted Hawaiian pizza many times but have you ever tried using chicken instead of ham? Proceed to the full meal plan
Day 4 Wednesday

Today is the middle of our meal plan, and we suggest cooking one of the easiest dishes ever – tuna noodle casserole. Proceed to the full meal plan
Day 3 Tuesday
Had a hard working day? Indulge yourself and your significant other with this delicious chicken!
Day 1 Sunday
Your Sunday will get just perfect with flavourful hot tuna and bean soup, and crispy chicken with fries will crown your weekend! Lunch @photo