Winter was giving us hard times, but fortunately it is almost over. But we should say it was not in vain – we have found at least 10 ways to outsmart the cold times! Let’s look back to what we’ve learned do to cope with winter travails.
Tips and tricks
Simple Tips on How to Select Kitchen Knives

If you enjoy cooking, you know what pure pleasure it is – to chop, slice and dice with a good knife. If your knives turn your bread into breadcrumbs and tomatoes into puree, it’s time you buy new kitchen tools. Let’s see how to select a perfect knife that will never let you down.
10 Tricks That Do Help To Get Into Shape After Holidays

Christmas and New Year have just passed, but have you managed not to overeat during the Christmas dinner when the turkey baked with apples, mashed potatoes or rice was so tempting, the pie was so delicious and the drinks were spirituous enough to turn off your still small voice of a person who is trying […]
5 Useful Tips to Cook Tender Pork Chops

Some of you might have given up cooking pork chops because they often turn out to taste like shoe leather. Have you ever thought about why it happens? In most cases, amateur cooks overcook the meat so that it loses its tenderness. Here we share five secrets of cooking juicy, tender pork chops that you […]
7 Tips For Organising a Frugal New Year’s Party

Planning a New Year’s party at your place? Let’s see how to make it fun, but frugal. Our 7 tips will help you make your guests happy and save you some money, which you can wisely spend next year.
How to Get Into the Christmas Spirit: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Christmas is right around the corner, but it looks like the true Christmas spirit is nowhere to be found! Why is there no Christmas feeling, no sweet anticipation, no magic, just nothing at all? Maybe, there is really nothing special about this winter holiday? No, no, no! You’ve just lost your Christmas spirit somewhere. Let’s […]
Know the Different Types of Sushi

If you plan to make a Japanese food on your own, in case you have found a good recipe over the Internet, planning your grocery list is important for you to come up with a good, satiating food. One highlight that Japanese is known for is the fact that all their food are not just […]
How to combine old with new clothes?

Although your wardrobe can be rich with clothes in various shades and you can have clothes for different occasions, there are times when you realize that those same garments are simply old or have been worn often. Shopping is always a good idea, right? It helps when you have a headache, it helps when you […]
A Summer Olympics Party for Rio 2016

With a simple shopping list and some imagination, you can create the ultimate Olympics in Rio party. Step One: Focus on the Food What would a party be without some delicious food and drink?
How to Read FDA Nutrition Label

@photo Calories play an important role in one’s diet. In assessing the advisable amount of calorie that you need to support your activities, there are several factors that you need to look at, such as age, height, current weight, and how active you are on a daily basis. These factors are essential to assess whether […]