How to Get Into the Christmas Spirit: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Christmas spirit

Christmas is right around the corner, but it looks like the true Christmas spirit is nowhere to be found! Why is there no Christmas feeling, no sweet anticipation, no magic, just nothing at all? Maybe, there is really nothing special about this winter holiday? No, no, no! You’ve just lost your Christmas spirit somewhere. Let’s find it with this step-by-step plan.

Plan ahead – make a list

The best way to avoid the pre-Christmas hassle that kills all the fun and turns the magic holiday into a tiresome duty to buy, cook, clean and organise is planning. Make lists for literally everything – a gifts list, a grocery list for Christmas dinner, a to-do list (this can be shared with the family members, by the way) – and see what you can do or purchase right now. Think what can be bought in local stores or ordered online, and you’ll wonder how much time and nerves can be saved. Now the preparation for Christmas Eve does not look so discouraging! And you’ve already done a lot, and deserve a cookie. Tastes like Christmas, doesn’t it?


Music works miracles when you need put your mind in a some particular mood. Fortunately, almost every singer and band has a tune or two about Christmas, so it won’t be difficult to find music you like. Or you can always turn to old good classics and enjoy the songs your parents used to listen to – anyway, when it comes to Christmas, everyone is a child at heart.

Movies and cartoons

Yeah, we know, you’ve seen “Home Alone” dozens of times. But are there any Christmas-spirited stories that make you feel cosy? Maybe you have some special Christmas episodes of favorite TV shows? Time to watch them again! Any familiar relaxing movie will do – it can actually have nothing to do with Christmas, it should just make you believe in fairy tales and lead you through the well-known, restful story to the happy ending.

Wrap the gifts

Christmas gifts

Do it right after you’ve bought presents. Do it slowly and carefully, and watch how you turn ordinary things into wonder boxes and parcels with your own hands. That’s what Santa does all year long. Now say “ho-ho-ho”!

Lights and decorations

Do not make ambitious plans to decorate every corner of your home – that’s not the point! The main thing about decorating is that you should enjoy both the process and the result. If you feel like covering your house with a ton of lights – awesome, go ahead and have fun! But if a small Christmas tree in the corner, a few candles and a wreath are enough for you to create the atmosphere of warmth and peace, let it be your Christmas decoration. At least, start decorating your place little by little, and Christmas spirit is sure to come!

Dress up!

Hate the idea of running about the malls and searching for something glamorous for Christmas night? Forget about it, because we bet you already have all you need in your wardrobe. The dress you bought 3 years ago for the same occasion is charming and suits you so well, and it would be mean of you if you did not let people see it again.

Call them all

Want a party? Make a party! Call your friends and invite them, and tell them to bring some drinks and food – that will make the preparation twice as easy. A Christmas potluck is fun for everyone!


And this is the core point. Stop. Relax. Look around. Christmas is not a race. It’s not a competition for the most expensive presents, the most sparkling house, the most dainty dinner. It’s all about you and your loved ones, sitting all together, smiling at each other and feeling that magic of love and care. Do you feel it? That’s the Christmas spirit.

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