Healthy feet doesn’t mean only well groomed feet and manicured toe nails. Healthy feet means detoxification, which besides that gives rest and freshness to your legs, it also helps you to clear the organism from toxins. Your body can also be cleaned in a natural if you use the foot pads that are made from natural materials, or by making home detox spas. We have already prepared several recipes for homemade detox bath, and all you need to do is ensure that your shopping list has all the necessary products and then, to refresh your body with some of these DIY detox spas.
Himalayan Salt Feet Detox
2016-08-17 10:17:32
What you need
- Himalayan Salt ¼ cup
- Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate) ¼ cup
- Baking Soda ¼ cup
- Apple Cider Vinegar ½ cup
- Essential oil by choice
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If you don’t have Buy Me a Pie! app installed you’ll see the list with ingredients right after downloading it
How to use
- Dissolve the two types of salt, add the baking soda and the other two ingredients in a boiling water. After this mix is boiled, pour it in a foot basin and start the detox spa. Soak your feet in the bath for 30-40 minutes. After you finish the bath, just absorb water from your feet with a soft towel.
Life & Cooking

Honey Feet Detox
2016-08-17 10:19:31

What you need
- Honey 1 tbsp.
- Liquid Soap 1 tbsp.
- Vanilla extract 1 tsp.
- Sweet almond oil 2 tbsp.
- Water
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If you don’t have Buy Me a Pie! app installed you’ll see the list with ingredients right after downloading it
How to use
- Add the ingredients in how water and soak your feet in this bath. Stay until the water cools. This homemade spa will help you relax your feet and make a good detoxification. Adding honey in this bath is very important, because it has antibacterial and antifungal role.
Life & Cooking
Clay Feet Detox
2016-08-17 10:21:04
What you need
- Clay (by choice – Bentonite/ Living Clay/ Green Clay are often used for this detox spa)
- Salt
- Water
Add ingredients to shopping list
If you don’t have Buy Me a Pie! app installed you’ll see the list with ingredients right after downloading it
How to use
- Just like the previous recipes, this one’s easy-to-make too. This time, you can decide how much clay are you going to use; if you want to make thick mixture, then add more clay and less water. If you prefer to make a classical spa, add 500 ml. water, 1-2 tbsp. clay and 1 tsp. salt.
- Clay detoxification is well known for its powers; clay is highly rich with natural minerals and it has the same antifungal and anti-bacterial properties like honey. Not only that your will boost and detox your organism, but it’ll also clean and renew your skin.
Life & Cooking