Cons and Pros of Paleo Diet You’d Be Aware of

paleo diet cons and pros

Paleo diet or “the diet of modern times” is one of the most controversial ways of healthy nutrition. This diet was studied and undertaken by researcher Loren Cordain, an employee at The Colorado State University. Since childhood, he was interested in research in the field of nutrition, and already in the seventies he began the research of benefits of the Paleo diet. According to Dr. Loren Cordain, Paleo diet is the only right and proper choice of nutrition; he said that the humans are genetically designed to eat that way.

Today, this type of diet is followed by a huge number of people, but also, there are a lot of common negative reviews about it. So, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of the Paleo diet and why you should be aware of them.

Pros of Paleo Diet:

Paleo diet requires commitment and cooking, which means that if you practice it, you should eat home-prepared or fresh food, rather than canned or the ones with additives and chemicals which certainly aren’t healthy.
This diet’s food is rich in fiber, carbs, proteins and calcium.

Because the Paleo diet consists of big amount of vegetables, nuts, seeds and fruits, you’ll be consuming a lot of anti-inflammatory ingredients.
paleo diet

Part of the Paleo diet is red meat, which means that if you’re anemic, you will get the necessary amount of iron.
With Paleo diet, you will cut the consumption of many modern day foods which can cause some chronic diseases.

Cons of the Paleo Diet:

No consumption of grains and dairy, which usually are healthy and very nutrient and your organism needs this.
If athletes apply this way of nutrition but don’t consume carbs, this might be harmful to their health and energy.
The Paleo diet requires time and money; it can be really expensive.

It can be difficult for vegetarians to stick to proper nutrition required by this diet, especially because they do not consume meat.

If you stick only and only to this type of eating, you can make imbalance problems in your daily nutrition, which can cause serious health issues.

So, after reading the pros and cons of the most-googled type of nutrition – the Paleo diet, the best thing you can do is to consult with a nutritionist and/or to follow the needs of your body.

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