How to Be in Harmony with Yourself


“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony”.

– Mahatma Gandhi

What is harmony? It’s a beautiful balance between mind, body and soul.

Our lives are rarely in perfect balance. Spending long hours on job challenges, relationship issues, family matters and daily meetings, we have no time left for personal needs. It’s no wonder, we are overstressed, worried, anxious and… definitely out of balance.

Do you feel overloaded, burned out? Have you got physical symptoms such as aches and pains, difficulty thinking, concentrating and even speaking? It’s a guide pointing to a lack of harmony that needs recovery.

Your life and happiness are in your hands. You should know: stress is not something that happens to us, but something that happens within us. Harmony is inside you, just unlock the hidden powers of your mind and let it make you happy!

Why not start right now? These simple steps to find joy and balance in your everyday life are waiting to be taken!

  1. Relax after a long day at work. Take time-out for yourself.
  2. Enjoy the silence and meditate. Learn how to transform your mind from negative to positive.
  3. Take action when you don’t want to. Stop being lazy!
  4. Play with kids. It makes us feel special.
  5. Create something every day. Creativity is a habit you can learn to become happier.
  6. Trust your intuition (even if you don’t think you have any). Don’t  ignore your feelings.
  7. Keep your house clean to reduce the stress (even if you have kids).
  8. Love yourself, accept yourself, forgive yourself. Stop comparing yourself to others! You have nothing to prove to anybody.
  9. Make your space beautiful with photos, decorations, your own pictures.
  10. Listen to music and dance! It’s an easy, convenient way to relieve stress.
  11. Watch a sunrise or sunset, get closer to nature. balance
  12. Spend time with your pet to transform anxiety into positive energy.
  13. Dream high and don’t stop dreaming!
  14. Be open to new experiences. When you open your mind, you free yourself from the total control of your negative thoughts.
  15. Be patient. We all can work to develop patience.
  16. Believe in yourself. “Have faith in your own abilities, work hard and there is nothing you cannot accomplish.” – Brad Henry.
  17. Forgive and forget. Think of all of the good things people did for you. Stay positive!
  18. Travel. Travelling helps you move forward.
  19. Never stop learning (from books, experience or people).
  20. Follow healthy sleep habits.
  21. Find time in your day to do things you enjoy and get pleasure from.
  22. Take a walk in the rain. The smell of rain has a calming effect.
  23. Memorize a poem, it helps improve concentration.
  24. Watch your favorite old movie. This story may not be real, but the reactions it elicits are.
  25. Get rid of old things. Clear out your physical space and feel renewed!

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