5 Easy Smoothie Recipes

smoothie recipes

What do you think about smoothies? Many people consider them to be a product you can’t do without if you want to stay healthy, others believe they can even replace meals, and some drink them just for pleasure. What is especially enjoyable is that there are so many kinds of smoothies that you don’t even need a recipe – just take any fruits or vegetables from your fridge, blend them and that’s it! You can add milk, juice, ice cream or even spices if you like. Here we have collected five healthy smoothie recipes which you can start with.

Raspberry & Cranberry Smoothie
This smoothie is rich in vitamin C and is perfect for a light breakfast.
  1. Cranberry juice 200 ml
  2. Raspberry 2 cups
  3. Milk 0.5 cup
  4. Natural yogurt 1 cup
  5. Sugar 1 tbsp
  6. Mint sprigs 2-3
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If you don’t have Buy Me a Pie! app installed you’ll see the list with ingredients right after downloading it
  1. Blend the ingredients until smooth.
  2. Pour into glasses and serve with fresh mint on top.
Life & Cooking https://lifencooking.com/
Tropical Smoothie
A tropical smoothie will help to improve your mood, especially in winter when we lack sun and vitamins so much. It will make you feel as if you are enjoying your vacation on a sunny beach.
  1. Passion fruit 3
  2. Banana 1
  3. Mango 1
  4. Orange juice 1.5 cup
  5. Ice cubes
Add ingredients to shopping list
If you don’t have Buy Me a Pie! app installed you’ll see the list with ingredients right after downloading it
  1. Chop a banana, a mango and passion fruit.
  2. Purée them until smooth and pour in orange juice.
  3. Serve topped with ice cubes.
Life & Cooking https://lifencooking.com/
Green Smoothie
It’s a smoothie made of green fruit and vegetables, which is good for your bones.
  1. Avocado 0.5
  2. Spinach
  3. Kale
  4. Pineapple chunks 0.1 lb
  5. Cucumber 1
  6. Coconut water 1.5 cup
Add ingredients to shopping list
If you don’t have Buy Me a Pie! app installed you’ll see the list with ingredients right after downloading it
  1. Peel and chop avocado.
  2. Wash spinach and kale gently.
  3. Chop cucumber.
  4. Blend the avocado, spinach, kale, pineapple and cucumber.
  5. Pour in coconut water and mix.
Life & Cooking https://lifencooking.com/
Minty Smoothie
This minty smoothie can easily replace a light breakfast or a late supper – it is rich in protein and tastes very delightful.
  1. Pineapple 0.5 lb
  2. Mint leaves
  3. Baby spinach leaves 0.1 lb
  4. Oats / 0.25 cup
  5. Linseed 2 tbsp
  6. Unsalted, unroasted cashew nuts 3 tbsp
  7. Fresh lime juice
Add ingredients to shopping list
If you don’t have Buy Me a Pie! app installed you’ll see the list with ingredients right after downloading it
  1. Peel and core pineapple; cut into chunks.
  2. Put all the ingredients in a blender with a cup of water and whizz until smooth.
  3. Add more water if too thick but no more than 2 cups.
Life & Cooking https://lifencooking.com/
Strawberry & Avocado Smoothie
A unique combination of avocado and strawberries makes a perfect creamy smoothie which you will make in 5 minutes!
  1. Avocado 0.5
  2. Strawberry 0.35 lb
  3. Low-fat natural yogurt 4 tbsp
  4. Semi-skimmed milk 1 cup
  5. Lemon or lime juice
  6. Honey
Add ingredients to shopping list
If you don’t have Buy Me a Pie! app installed you’ll see the list with ingredients right after downloading it
  1. Peel avocado and chop it.
  2. Cut the strawberries in halves.
  3. Process all the ingredients in a blender until smooth.
  4. If it’s too thick for you, add some water or more milk.
Life & Cooking https://lifencooking.com/

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