The morning is not your favorite part of the day, is it? How to wake up feeling fresh and relaxed? Here are 5 ways to start your morning better and increase your chances of a healthy and effective day.
How to Be in Harmony with Yourself

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony”. – Mahatma Gandhi What is harmony? It’s a beautiful balance between mind, body and soul. Our lives are rarely in perfect balance. Spending long hours on job challenges, relationship issues, family matters and daily meetings, we have no time left […]
How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

“Comparison is the death of joy.” ― Mark Twain Have you ever compared yourself to your friends or colleagues? “She is so lucky – she can eat whatever she wants and never gain a pound, and I’m starving myself and overweight. It’s unfair!” “He started after me at the same job and he is already […]